The Gulf Downstream Association (GDA) was initially founded by Saudi Aramco, Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI), Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO), the Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) and OQ in the Kingdom of Bahrain in July 2016 by a Cabinet Decree. In December 2017, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) Refining also joined the GDA as a founding member.
Together, the founding companies represent a common voice for the downstream industry. The founding companies carry the following rights and benefits:
- There is always a Board Member of each founding company in the Board of Directors of GDA who is also the representative in the General Assembly
- Founding company will participate in all ten (10) technical streams by allocating SMEs for each stream
- Have the first priority to host, chair or be Keynote speaker for any event of the GDA
- Through their SMEs, a founding company can have direct access to all other founding companies' Subject matter expert (SMEs)
- Each quarterly meeting of the different technical streams is held in a founding company plant whereby all SMEs can visit that plant, thus sharing practical knowledge and enlarging peer network
- Founding company will get maximum access to GDA web site and membership portals
- Founding company will get priority and maximum seats in technical courses and workshops organized by GDA in collaboration with reputed consultants companies at discounted rate